Redgate SQL Provision (2021)
Published: 12th July 2021 | By: Daniel Howard
SQL Provision is a solution for test data management that combines two Redgate products: Data Masker for data masking, and SQL Clone for database cloning.
SolixCLOUD Test Data Management (2021)
Published: 12th July 2021 | By: Daniel Howard
SOLIXCloud is a cloud-focused enterprise data management platform that provides substantial test data management capabilities.
Federated Master Data Management (MDM)
Published: 6th July 2021 | By: Andy Hayler
Federated master data management is a new and vital approach for trusted data in the modern enterprise.
Data Monetisation and YourDataConnect 2021
Published: 1st July 2021 | By: Daniel Howard
What is Data Monetisation, why should you care about it, and how does YourDataConnect deliver it? An update to our 2020 report of the same name.
Software AG CONNX
Published: 28th June 2021 | By: Philip Howard and Daniel Howard
Software AG CONNX provides mainframe and legacy-oriented data integration, connectivity, data virtualisation and replication capabilities.
Disrupters in the Privilege Management Market
Published: 23rd April 2021 | By: Fran Howarth
Over the past few years, a raft of new, innovative vendors have sprung up to disrupt the privilege management market.
Privilege Management - Protection for what you need the most… putting identity on the frontline
Published: 20th April 2021 | By: Fran Howarth
In the field of identity management, managing privileges assigned should be a very high priority. Stealing credentials is a top tactic for attackers.
Privilege Management Technologies
Published: 20th April 2021 | By: Fran Howarth
This Market Update showcases the best known vendors and technologies in the privilege management space.
Protected: The Bloor Cloud Trail
Published: 13th April 2021 | By: Paul Bevan
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Hybrid IT Infrastructure Management Market Vendor Landscape
Published: 7th April 2021 | By: Paul Bevan
In this research paper, Paul Bevan outlines the competitive Hybrid IT Infrastructure Management Market vendor landscape.