Most businesses are organised to maximise their ability to deliver products and services that the customer values. That is the lens through which executives view and evaluate performance, take decisions and make investments.
It can be difficult to look at the business through a different lens, but that’s what we have to do in order to answer questions like:
- What technology developments are coming down the line and what might they mean for us?
- What might the impact be on our business models and our eco-systems, including, crucially, our employees and partners?
- Is it possible to eliminate fixed costs altogether or to turn cost centres into profit centres?
- How can we be constantly ready to exploit the opportunities created by new technology?
- How do we best defend ourselves against disrupters capitalising on opportunities faster than we do?
- How do we position ourselves for maximum adaptability?
- How do we ensure all the resources of the organisation are being channelled towards our strategic goals?
That’s where Bloor’s team of business navigators and technology analysts come in. We help you to understand your business from a different perspective. With no axe to grind, no products or big consulting programmes to sell, we help you to find the answers to questions like how could technological developments change your market, how well prepared are you to reduce the risks and optimise the opportunities of being ready for change, of being in that permanent state of evolution?
It doesn’t take long to set you on your way towards a balanced, thoughtful analysis of your state of readiness and to start planning what you need to do next. By inviting a cross-section of your staff and partners to complete our self-assessment, we’ll provide you with a unique view from within your organisation and ecosystem, identifying the strengths that you need to protect and build on and the weaknesses and opportunities to address. All you need to commit to get the ball rolling is for one or more of you to spend fifteen minutes completing the assessment and for you personally to commit to a 45-minute feedback conversation.
The better you understand yourselves, the better equipped you will be to positively exploit technology-driven and indeed other types of change. Our experts draw on a wide range and depth of skills and experience, from technology and business operations to people and cultural change and are ready and waiting to help you on your journey.