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Bloor has a library of over 1,000 published research papers that provide incisive but cost effective decision support information. Our research publications can help your organisation by giving you:

  • Greater insight into the business issues technology is addressing
  • Thorough concise reviews on technologies and the issues they address, with comparisons between all the vendors and the ways in which they solve the problems
  • Detailed evaluations of individual IT solutions, effectively communicating their value and the issues they address.

Here are our latest papers:

WINDOCKS InBrief (cover thumbnail)

Windocks (2021)
Published: 12th July 2021 | By:
Windocks is a platform for enterprise-level test data management and database virtualisation that offers extensive support for Docker database containers.

00002653 - AB INITIO InBrief (cover thumbnail)

Ab Initio Test Data Management
Published: 12th July 2021 | By:
Ab Initio Test Data Management is a test data management application within the broader Ab Initio data management platform.

00002659 - BMC COMPUWARE InBrief (cover thumbnail)

BMC Compuware Topaz for Enterprise Data
Published: 12th July 2021 | By:
BMC Compuware Topaz for Enterprise Data provides an effective, all-in-one platform for test data management that spans both mainframe and distributed data.

00002660 - BROADCOM InBrief (cover thumbnail)

Broadcom (CA) Test Data Manager and Blaze Data (2021)
Published: 12th July 2021 | By:
Test Data Manager is a test data management solution that uses data subsetting, data masking, and synthetic data generation to produce robust sets of test data.

00002654 - CURIOSITY SOFTWARE InBrief (cover thumbnail)

Curiosity Software Test Data Automation (2021)
Published: 12th July 2021 | By:
Curiosity Software Test Data Automation is a test data solution that helps you to both create test data sets and embed then into your testing processes.

00002655 - DATPROF InBrief (cover thumbnail)

DATPROF Test Data Management (2021)
Published: 12th July 2021 | By:
DATPROF offers a suite of four products that collectively provide a test data management solution predicated primarily on data subsetting and data masking.

00002661 - DELPHIX InBrief (cover thumbnail)

Delphix Data Platform (2021)
Published: 12th July 2021 | By:
The Delphix Data Platform uses data virtualisation to provide a test data management solution that does not depend on either data subsetting or synthetic data.

00002662 - GENROCKET InBrief (cover thumbnail)

GenRocket (2021)
Published: 12th July 2021 | By:
GenRocket is a platform for enterprise-level test data automation that offers high-end synthetic data generation.

INFORMATICA InBrief (cover thumbnail)

Informatica Test Data Management (2021)
Published: 12th July 2021 | By:
Informatica Test Data Management is a comprehensive test data management solution that includes data subsetting, data masking, and synthetic data generation.

00002657 - MENTIS InBrief (cover thumbnail)

MENTIS Test Data Management (2021)
Published: 12th July 2021 | By:
MENTIS is a data governance, privacy and security platform that offers sophisticated data discovery alongside data masking, subsetting, monitoring, and more.

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