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Bloor has a library of over 1,000 published research papers that provide incisive but cost effective decision support information. Our research publications can help your organisation by giving you:

  • Greater insight into the business issues technology is addressing
  • Thorough concise reviews on technologies and the issues they address, with comparisons between all the vendors and the ways in which they solve the problems
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Here are our latest papers:

Cover for Mercury Interactive testing tools

Mercury Interactive testing tools
Published: 1st January 1998 | By: Therese Cory
This review covers the range of products from Mercury Interactive including dynamic testing tools, multi-user load and stress testing tools, and TestDirector, which is a Workgroup-based test management tool.

Cover for McCabe ToolSet

McCabe ToolSet
Published: 1st January 1998 | By: Therese Cory
McCabe Associates has traditionally provided testing tools based around the McCabe metrics, developed by the company’s founder and present chairman, Thomas McCabe. The McCabe Toolset consists of the Visual Quality, Visual Reengineering and Visual Testing Toolsets.

Cover for The Enterprise in Transition

The Enterprise in Transition
Published: 1st January 1997 | By:
The Enterprise by Other Means created a wide debate, in the computer press and on the web, which is still in pogress many months after the report was published. We have gathered together all of the important issues raised and…

Cover for Enterprise by Other Means FAQ

Enterprise by Other Means FAQ
Published: 1st January 1997 | By:
When The Enterprise By Other Means was published in August 1996, it was widely viewed as a controversial ?projection of the direction that the IT industry was taking. While there were many supporters of the view it espoused (far more…

Cover for The Enterprise by Other Means

The Enterprise by Other Means
Published: 1st January 1996 | By:
The return to centralised computing is a major earthquake, and as with all major earthquakes it will rearrange the landscape. Some buildings will be left standing and others will not. Its tremors will be felt across the world, by IT…

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