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Bloor has a library of over 1,000 published research papers that provide incisive but cost effective decision support information. Our research publications can help your organisation by giving you:

  • Greater insight into the business issues technology is addressing
  • Thorough concise reviews on technologies and the issues they address, with comparisons between all the vendors and the ways in which they solve the problems
  • Detailed evaluations of individual IT solutions, effectively communicating their value and the issues they address.

Here are our latest papers:

Cover for The Gene Machine

The Gene Machine
Published: 1st February 1998 | By:
This report is intended to serve only as an introduction to the concept of the Genetix Universal Turing Machine and not as an instruction manual on how to program it. Thus it is aimed at those who are interested in…

Cover for Database

Published: 1st January 1998 | By: Rob Hailstone and
This report examines the database technology which is available for managing application requirements which are not accommodated adequately by the relational model. While hardly a formal definition, the relational model can – for these purposes – be summarised as the…

Cover for The Realities of O/S Scalability

The Realities of O/S Scalability
Published: 1st January 1998 | By: Jameel Abdul
This report is about the scalability of operating systems. What we have examined and benchmarked is the behaviour of four of the most popular operating systems and in doing so we are able to rate them against each other.

Cover for The Realities of Network Computing

The Realities of Network Computing
Published: 1st January 1998 | By: Roger Adams and Dave Singleton
This report provides a comprehensive guide to the hardware and software options available to your organisation now and in the future. It identifies the basic issues of network computing so that you can understand where you are now, where you…

Cover for Testing Tools

Testing Tools
Published: 1st January 1998 | By: Therese Cory
The report provides a guide to the issues surrounding software testing tools, including quality, methods of testing and Year 2000 problems. It will be invaluable in making a preliminary selection of appropriate tools. It is important to build on this…

Cover for Softbridge

Published: 1st January 1998 | By: Therese Cory
UK – 30 Product Set: Automated Test Facility V5.0 From test cases prepared on the TestBuilder, the Command Center launches test scripts and spawns concurrent, unattended tests on the Agent PCs. Tests are run against the applications being tested on…

Cover for Rational Software

Rational Software
Published: 1st January 1998 | By: Therese Cory
Rational Software began in the US in 1981, providing tools for developers, including Ada compilers. The company has grown over the years through mergers and acquisitions and in 1996 was floated on the NASDAQ stock exchange. Rational is now a…

Cover for Princeton Softech testing tools

Princeton Softech testing tools
Published: 1st January 1998 | By: Therese Cory
Princeton Softech was founded in 1989. It specialises in delivering data and program synchronisation solutions to IS professionals who develop and maintain critical business applications. Its software is historically IBM mainframe based although, more recently, its products are currently being…

Cover for PC 2000 Problems

PC 2000 Problems
Published: 1st January 1998 | By: Therese Cory
There is a handful of tools which help to make PCs Year 2000 compliant. These can detect the existence of a Y2000 problem on a PC, and/or make hardware or software fixes to correct the problem. Some suppliers also offer…

Cover for Mercury Interactive testing tools

Mercury Interactive testing tools
Published: 1st January 1998 | By: Therese Cory
This review covers the range of products from Mercury Interactive including dynamic testing tools, multi-user load and stress testing tools, and TestDirector, which is a Workgroup-based test management tool.

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