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Bloor has a library of over 1,000 published research papers that provide incisive but cost effective decision support information. Our research publications can help your organisation by giving you:

  • Greater insight into the business issues technology is addressing
  • Thorough concise reviews on technologies and the issues they address, with comparisons between all the vendors and the ways in which they solve the problems
  • Detailed evaluations of individual IT solutions, effectively communicating their value and the issues they address.

Here are our latest papers:

FIVETRAN InBRIEF cover thumbnail

Fivetran (2023)
Published: 31st May 2023 | By:
Fivetran is a fully managed, cloud-native solution for automated data movement that leverages ELT technology alongside micro-batch-based CDC synchronisation.

00002758 - TERADATA InBRIEF VantageCloud lake (cover thumbnail)

Teradata VantageCloud Lake
Published: 25th May 2023 | By:
Teradata VantageCloud Lake is a cloud analytics and data platform that is designed to enable exploratory analysis and operate wherever your data exists.

SOLIX Cloud Data Management Spotlight (May 2023) cover thumbnail

SOLIX Cloud Data Management for SAP
Published: 11th May 2023 | By:
This paper examines how Solix, and its flagship product SOLIXCloud, can deliver data archiving in the context of the SAP product suite, particularly S/4HANA.

Apparity End User InPerspective cover thumbnail

Apparity End User Computing Management
Published: 28th April 2023 | By:
This report describes Apparity’s capabilities as an EUC governance solution and outline the qualities that make it worthwhile according to its customers.

MITRATECH InBrief cover thumbnail

Mitratech ClusterSeven Shadow IT Manager
Published: 28th April 2023 | By:
ClusterSeven Shadow IT Manager is an End User Computing (EUC) governance and MRM product that aims to address the issue of shadow IT.

PKWare InBRIEF cover thumbnail

Published: 13th April 2023 | By:
PK Protect is a solution for discovering and protecting sensitive data that operates on endpoints and user devices as well as traditional data sources.

APPARITY In Comparison cover thumbnail

End User Computing: Apparity, CIMCON, Mitratech
Published: 13th April 2023 | By:
This report discusses and compares three prominent EUC (End User Computing) management solutions, namely Apparity, CIMCON, and Mitratech.

KUDELSKI InBRIEF cover thumbnail

Kudelski Security’s MDR services
Published: 6th April 2023 | By:
This document provides an overview of the depth and breadth of Kudelski Security’s MDR services, which are positioned alongside a host of ancillary services.

SOFTWARE AG CONNX Spotlight cover thumbnail

Software AG CONNX and StreamSets Data Integration
Published: 29th March 2023 | By:
This paper highlights the benefits of bringing together Software AG’s recently acquired StreamSets and previously existing CONNX data integration technologies.

IRI Voracity Healthcare InContext cover thumbnail

Data Preparation Challenges in Healthcare and Voracity from IRI
Published: 28th March 2023 | By:
Voracity’s key strength is its ability to not just deliver broad data integration and transformation functionality, but to deliver it within a unified, centralised, integrated platform.

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