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Bloor has a library of over 1,000 published research papers that provide incisive but cost effective decision support information. Our research publications can help your organisation by giving you:

  • Greater insight into the business issues technology is addressing
  • Thorough concise reviews on technologies and the issues they address, with comparisons between all the vendors and the ways in which they solve the problems
  • Detailed evaluations of individual IT solutions, effectively communicating their value and the issues they address.

Here are our latest papers:

Cover for Application Architectures

Application Architectures
Published: 1st May 1999 | By:
This document discusses the various types of computer architecture in use today and relates them to the four basic types of applications: Transaction systems, Group Collaboration, Business Intelligence, eCommerce

Cover for A Jini with tonic

A Jini with tonic
Published: 1st April 1999 | By: Dave Singleton
Most of us have experienced the plug & play features of Windows 95 or 98 for installing new hardware. Sun Microsystems Jini effectively aims to do the same thing across a whole network rather than just on a single PC.…

Cover for How far down eRoad are we?

How far down eRoad are we?
Published: 1st April 1999 | By:
The world ecommerce economy will become larger than the current UK economy in year 2002. What can we expect?

Cover for Sun Microsystems

Sun Microsystems
Published: 1st April 1999 | By:
Sun Microsystems designs, manufactures and licenses processor technology, builds complete systems, and develops and licenses the Solaris operating system and associated software. Key to Sun’s future are the Java and Jini initiatives which are central to device-independent computing and connectivity.…

Cover for Oracle Strategy

Oracle Strategy
Published: 1st April 1999 | By:
In marketing terms, Oracle has been conspicuous by its absence for the last several months. It would be wrong to interpret this as the company being hyped into submission by the antics of Microsoft (with the much publicised SQL Server…

Cover for Sybase

Published: 1st April 1999 | By: Rob Hailstone
Sybase was the first database company to profit from the client/server boom of the late ’80s with the first dbms specifically architected to exploit this environment. Recently, though, a combination of factors have ensured that the dbms marketplace has been…

Cover for InterSystems Caché 3.1

InterSystems Caché 3.1
Published: 1st April 1999 | By:
Cache from InterSystems is a database management system aimed specifically at supporting transaction processing, especially where complex business logic is involved. In particular, Cache’s unique multi-dimensional capability means that it is much more efficient than conventional relational approaches when it…

Cover for Strategic Communication?

Strategic Communication?
Published: 1st March 1999 | By: David Taylor
Information overload. Everyone suffers from it, it causes great stress, and it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more information there is out there, the more we strive to know. We receive a twenty-page report and we want more detail next…

Cover for Our biggest financial – and human – cost

Our biggest financial – and human – cost
Published: 1st March 1999 | By: David Taylor
A recent Computer Weekly/Banner study showed that over 30% of IT directors feel  that stress affects their ability to cope with their job. After covering this in my CW column, I was inundated with e-mails and letters from people suggesting…

Cover for Designers of destiny

Designers of destiny
Published: 1st March 1999 | By: David Taylor
Within the world of IT, the negs are having a field day. We all know who the negs they are the people who love to find something, anything, wrong with an idea. They will always point out (with great glee)…

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