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Bloor has a library of over 1,000 published research papers that provide incisive but cost effective decision support information. Our research publications can help your organisation by giving you:

  • Greater insight into the business issues technology is addressing
  • Thorough concise reviews on technologies and the issues they address, with comparisons between all the vendors and the ways in which they solve the problems
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Here are our latest papers:

Cover for Cyberdesk

Published: 1st July 1999 | By: Martin Brampton
Cyberdesk has reinvented itself as the first UK company providing end-to-end eBusiness reengineering.  It supports the claim through a joint venture with PSINet, the business oriented Internet Service Provider. Cyberdesk was formerly a consultancy-led services company.

Cover for enCommerce

Published: 1st July 1999 | By:
enCommerce is the supplier of getAccess, a single sign on application for Web portals. The company has had recent success with Egg and Nomura in the UK.

Cover for Nortel Networks: An Evolving eBusiness

Nortel Networks: An Evolving eBusiness
Published: 1st July 1999 | By: Dale Vile
Nortel is aiming to distance itself from its competition through embracing eBusiness and by overhauling the management of its customer relationships. It is attempting to achieve a significant improvement in customer experiences, which it plans to do mainly through greater…

Cover for VERITAS

Published: 1st July 1999 | By:
VERITAS has long been a leading light in the development of embedded file and volume management software, whilst OpenVision was a successful supplier of tools for enterprise systems management. The new company has pooled the skills of both organisations to…

Cover for Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management
Published: 1st June 1999 | By: Martin Brampton
Managing customer relationships is being made more difficult through the indirect nature of eBusiness contacts, but is becoming more critical as organisations supplying a commodity market need to differentiate themselves by providing superior service. CRM technology provides a supporting infrastructure…

Cover for SER

Published: 1st June 1999 | By:
SER is a document management company. Since SER was floated on the German stock market in 1996, at 5DM per share, its share price has grown to 700DM. It now has ?64M turnover and SER’s strategy is to double this,…

Cover for BEA Systems

BEA Systems
Published: 1st June 1999 | By: Martin Brampton
BEA Systems has grown rapidly through the acquisition of products and companies, all of which have been in the area of middleware – a sector that has only recently become widely  recognised partly because of the efforts of BEA itself.…

Cover for Shell Services International Entry to the Business Intelligence Marketplace

Shell Services International Entry to the Business Intelligence Marketplace
Published: 1st June 1999 | By:
In 19990601 Shell Services International (SSI) entered the software industry with the launch of Kalido – a generic enterprise data warehouse. The aim of the product is to permit very rapid implementation of a data warehouse while enabling the information…

Cover for Stratus Computer

Stratus Computer
Published: 1st June 1999 | By:
Stratus Computer has de-committed from its previous focus on Windows NT Clusters as a strategic platform for continuous-availability computing, and is instead set to introduce fault-tolerant hardware to support NT in the first half of 2000. Stratus has re-committed to…

Cover for IBM:eBusiness

Published: 1st June 1999 | By:
In the opinion of Bloor Research, this reflects IBM’s migration to being a consultancy led business. We discuss our reasons for this conclusion with particular reference to IBM’s Deep Computing Academy.

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