Dun & Bradstreet Data – Corporate Data Source
Published: 1st October 1999 | By: Rob Hailstone
Dun & Bradstreet’s origins as a credit rating agency go back a century and a half. But the company’s database of information on the corporate world is highly relevant to current concerns. Its strategic objective is to be the leading…
Network Attached Storage
Published: 1st October 1999 | By: Robin Bloor
This white paper has been written to address some of the storage issues faced by IT managers. A number of scenarios are presented, from small to larger organisations, each of which has a requirement for increased storage capacity. Each scenario…
Nortel buys Clarify – The CRM market maturing
Published: 1st October 1999 | By: Dale Vile
Nortel, best known as a manufacturer of voice and data communications products, has purchased CRM company Clarify. The deal is worth around $2.1 billion and creates a very powerful force in the market for data centre capabilities. CRM is not…
MRO.com and the electronic procurement marketplace
Published: 1st September 1999 | By: Robin Bloor
With the advent of the Internet, procurement is moving rapidly towards automation. MRO.com has been set up to exploit that trend, especially for Maintenance, Repair and Operating purchases.
Collaboration Tools: MS vs Lotus vs Intranets
Published: 1st September 1999 | By: Dave Singleton
Collaboration Tools covers software designed to help groups of workers collaborate. At it’s simplest it is e-mail, but it also covers scheduling, some document management, as in the future more advanced topics such as video conferring. Fundamentally a market grown…
OO Techniques top software methodologies
Published: 1st September 1999 | By: Dave Singleton
Organisations in the UK and Europe that use software methodologies are clearly using Object Oriented techniques. Yesterday’s structured favourites, such as SSADM, are dying (if not yet dead) or are restricted to niche markets. The only tool that incorporates a…
Generic TCP/IP Gaining Ground
Published: 1st September 1999 | By: Dave Singleton
Networking in the office environment used to be an area where proprietary solutions held sway. Once upon a time it was IBM and SNA plus Token Ring at one end of the market, and Novell at the other end. TCP/IP…
Y2K demand drops as the Milliennium approaches
Published: 1st September 1999 | By: Dave Singleton
Demand for Y2K Skills is dropping fast, although August featured a small rise in demand. This data is based upon analysis of more than 200,000 online Job adverts which named Y2K, sampled over the last 7 months, averaging around 30,000…
COMPAQ New Directions
Published: 1st September 1999 | By: Martin Brampton
Michael Capellas has now been CEO of Compaq for six weeks, following substantial losses and the resignation of former CEO Eckhard Pfeiffer. He and his executive team have been outlining their plans for carrying the company forward. Compaq is a…
Informix Dynamic Server Universal Data & the Web
Published: 1st August 1999 | By: Rob Hailstone
Here we concentrate on the features and options that are fundamental to web-enabled and e-commerce applications, as well as those requiring extended-relational capabilities. We look particularly at the additional requirements of On-line Transaction Processing when it is extended by the…