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Bloor has a library of over 1,000 published research papers that provide incisive but cost effective decision support information. Our research publications can help your organisation by giving you:

  • Greater insight into the business issues technology is addressing
  • Thorough concise reviews on technologies and the issues they address, with comparisons between all the vendors and the ways in which they solve the problems
  • Detailed evaluations of individual IT solutions, effectively communicating their value and the issues they address.

Here are our latest papers:

Cover for IBM Framework for eBusiness

IBM Framework for eBusiness
Published: 1st July 2000 | By:
IBM’s Framework for e-Business consists of a number of products that fall under the general categories of MQSeries and WebSphere. In fact, it would be true to say that it also includes IBM’s various development environments such as VisualAge for…

Cover for eConstructing the Enterprise

eConstructing the Enterprise
Published: 1st July 2000 | By: Jon Collins
Since the publication of The Enterprise by Other Means, there have been several technological advances that are further transforming the landscape of computing. These include progress in broadband and wireless telecommunications, the creation and acceptance of new device types and…

Cover for Oracle e-Business Integration

Oracle e-Business Integration
Published: 19th May 2000 | By:
No summary available. For further information please contact us.

Cover for Zero-tolerance Computing

Zero-tolerance Computing
Published: 1st April 2000 | By: Rob Hailstone
The zero-tolerance computing enterprise describes an organisation that presents an interface to its customers, suppliers, trading partners and own staff that is always available and represents a con-sistent and entirely current picture of the operation. This simple definition implies systems…

Cover for The Computerless Enterprise

The Computerless Enterprise
Published: 1st March 2000 | By: Jon Collins
Application Services Providers (ASPs) deliver applications or application components to users across a network. The network may be private or public, the applications may be unique to the customer, proprietary to the supplier or shrink-wrapped, and the scope of service…

Cover for 3 clusters of Web applications technology

3 clusters of Web applications technology
Published: 1st February 2000 | By: Dave Singleton
Building a Web application site for e-commerce require choices in technology, what combinations of products, programming languages and technology should be used?

Cover for Customer Relationship Management in Insurance

Customer Relationship Management in Insurance
Published: 1st February 2000 | By: Martin Brampton
No summary available. For further information please contact us.

Cover for SonicMQ messaging server – a new departure for Progress Software

SonicMQ messaging server – a new departure for Progress Software
Published: 1st December 1999 | By: Martin Brampton
In November 1999 Progress Software announced its entry into the messaging market. At first sight it seems strange that they should tackle a market where IBM already has a huge share with its MQ Series.

Cover for net.Genesis

Published: 1st November 1999 | By:
Larry Bohn, President and Chief Executive Officer of net.Genesis explained how the company aims to instrument the online business.  The goal is to understand and optimise customer behaviour so as to achieve growth.  There is a great deal of material…

Cover for Network Attached Storage

Network Attached Storage
Published: 1st October 1999 | By:
This white paper has been written to address some of the storage issues faced by IT managers. A number of scenarios are presented, from small to larger organisations, each of which has a requirement for increased storage capacity. Each scenario…

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