Published: 1st December 2001 | By: Philip Howard
This report represents a new way of considering the leading database vendors. Instead of considering them simply feature by feature, this report focuses on the different types of applications that you might want to develop. Thus each product is considered…
IBM DB2 Universal Database 7.2
Published: 1st November 2001 | By: Philip Howard
No summary available. For further information please contact us.
Making IT Count - Fast ROI in the Current Business Environment
Published: 1st September 2001 | By: Robin Bloor
This short paper deals with the topic of Fast ROI and the opportunities that it can present to IT management.
Enterprise Information Portals
Published: 1st September 2001 | By: Philip Howard
There are far too many sources of information: external, internal, e-mail and so forth, for a user to make sense of. Often you feel as if you could simply spend all day sorting the information and never actually doing anything.…
Embedded Database Market - For Centura Software
Published: 11th February 2001 | By: Philip Howard
The term “embedded database” has traditionally been applied to applications developed by VARs and others, which have a database within them, but which is unseen by the user. Such databases are sometimes described as “fire and forget” databases since they…
Mobile Enterprise
Published: 30th November 2000 | By: Mat Hanrahan
If there is one concept that the communications industry understands, it is convergence. Over ten years ago, the seamless integration of the worlds of data communications and telecommunica-tions were seen as the Holy Grail, with great rewards for those that…
Enterprise Information Portals
Published: 23rd November 2000 | By: Philip Howard
This report is about what we call Enterprise Portals. We are aware that different organisations var-iously use the terms “Enterprise Information Portal” (EIP), “Corporate Portal” or “eBusiness Por-tal” to mean the same thing. While we explain the reasons behind our…
The Intelligent Enterprise
Published: 1st November 2000 | By: Philip Howard
This report considers some of the trends and technologies that are emerging in the BI space with the move from the enterprise to the e-nterprise. In addition, there are some issues that have not been properly addressed in the past…
Climbing the information high peaks – iRevolution
Published: 1st September 2000 | By: Judith Jerome
No summary available. For further information please contact us.
IBM Framework for eBusiness
Published: 1st July 2000 | By: Robin Bloor
IBM’s Framework for e-Business consists of a number of products that fall under the general categories of MQSeries and WebSphere. In fact, it would be true to say that it also includes IBM’s various development environments such as VisualAge for…