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Bloor has a library of over 1,000 published research papers that provide incisive but cost effective decision support information. Our research publications can help your organisation by giving you:

  • Greater insight into the business issues technology is addressing
  • Thorough concise reviews on technologies and the issues they address, with comparisons between all the vendors and the ways in which they solve the problems
  • Detailed evaluations of individual IT solutions, effectively communicating their value and the issues they address.

Here are our latest papers:

Cover for Informatica PowerCenter 6 and  PowerCenterRT

Informatica PowerCenter 6 and  PowerCenterRT
Published: 1st June 2003 | By:
No summary available. For further information please contact us.

Cover for IBM DB2 v8.1

IBM DB2 v8.1
Published: 15th May 2003 | By:
No summary available. For further information please contact us.

Cover for IBM & Basel II

IBM & Basel II
Published: 1st May 2003 | By: and Graham Fisher
No summary available. For further information please contact us.

Cover for Analytics #1

Analytics 1 - Business Analytics and Analytic Platforms
Published: 1st May 2003 | By:
This report aims to answer a number of questions depending on the user type. At the simplest level it will evaluate and compare the leading general-purpose analytic applications. Most often, however, potential customers will be existing users of one or…

Cover for Seraph from TOWER Technologies

Seraph from TOWER Technologies
Published: 1st May 2003 | By:
No summary available. For further information please contact us.

Cover for ChangeMan from Serina

ChangeMan from Serina
Published: 9th April 2003 | By:
ChangeMan from Serena is an Enterprise Change Management suite. That is, it provides change, task, lifecycle and comparable management capabilities for anything ranging from application to operational code and from web content to documents and files. There are two change…

Cover for Appligenics

Published: 9th April 2003 | By:
Appligenics (which is the name of both the company and its product) is a development environment for delivering applications with browser-based front-ends. Where it differs from other development environments is that it is easy to collect the required business information…

Cover for OptimalJ v2.2 from Compuware

OptimalJ v2.2 from Compuware
Published: 24th March 2003 | By:
It is not a trivial task to describe OptimalJ in a single phrase. It is perhaps best described as a supra-development environment that is model-driven and pattern-based. The difficulty arises because OptimalJ provides facilities to automate and simplify the development…

Cover for Datanomic

Published: 22nd March 2003 | By:
Datanomic is both the name of a product and the company that provides it. The product combines data discovery / analysis / auditing facilities with data cleansing capability. The data cleansing can be run simultaneously with the auditing process, or…

Cover for Informatica – Products and Strategies

Informatica – Products and Strategies
Published: 6th March 2003 | By:
Informatica offers four sets of products. Three of these: the company’s Data Integration Platform, which consists of Informatica PowerCenter and its associated products; the Informatica Warehouse, which is a ‘packaged’ data warehouse solution that makes use of the Data Integration…

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