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This paper has been superseded by Memgraph (2023) (July, 2023)

Memgraph (2020)

00002589 - MEMGRAPH InBrief cover thumbnail

By: and
Classification: InBrief

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Memgraph is an in-memory, ACID-compliant, property graph database written in C++ that supports openCypher.

When choosing to use any (graph) database, you should be striving it optimise its performance. This is where Memgraph’s design decisions are relevant. It has been developed using C/C++, which will always outperform (with a smaller footprint) products written in other high-level languages such as Java. It has been designed from the outset to support real-time updates, and it has been designed as a “Smart Graph”. We should also add that Memgraph is targeting the most complex graph problems, which other vendors typically ignore. Its emphasis on making graph analytics easier for data scientists is also noteworthy.

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