Avoiding the Integration Tar Pit - Agile Integration for fast results
Published: 2nd January 2010 | By: David Norfolk
Almost all projects involve data integration these days, because nearly every IT project involves multiple applications and databases.

Storage Virtualisation Explained - Managing the Storage Explosion series
Published: 11th November 2009 | By: Peter Williams
Bloor believes that storage virtualisation is here for the long haul and all organisations should therefore be planning to implement it.

Pervasive Data Quality - Improving business processes with high quality data
Published: 31st October 2009 | By: Philip Howard
In this paper we argue that a more progressive and pervasive approach to data quality initiatives is required.

Managing Security Risk and Compliance - CA Mainframe Security
Published: 2nd September 2009 | By: Nigel Stanley
CA is extremely well positioned to service this market and should be at the top when vendors are shortlisted for selection.

Cloud computing and data security - Looking before you leap
Published: 16th August 2009 | By: Nigel Stanley
But how viable is cloud computing as a business solution, and will organisational data be as secure as the hype implies?

The growth in data volumes
Published: 15th June 2009 | By: David Norfolk
DataRush represents a significant opportunity for many organisations faced with analytics applications that simply can't deliver answers fast enough.

An Executive Guide to the Green Value of High Performance Data Warehousing
Published: 11th May 2009 | By: Gerry Brown
High performance data warehouse technologies should be considered as a central component of Green IT strategies going forward.

Data warehousing with HP
Published: 9th April 2009 | By: Philip Howard
We explore the differences between the various options now available from HP and explain how the company's partnership with Oracle strengthens its position.

EU compliance and regulations for the IT security professional
Published: 10th March 2009 | By: Nigel Stanley
Clearly, and quite rightly, data loss is now a legal issue and IT professionals need to be aware of their responsibilities.

Asia Pacific & Japan – Compliance and Regulations for the IT professional
Published: 9th March 2009 | By: Nigel Stanley
Clearly, and quite rightly, data loss is now a legal issue and IT professionals need to be aware of their responsibilities.