Gerry Brown
Bloor Alumni
Research from Gerry Brown
- New advertising technologies deliver real-time online adverts for you – and you alone on 7th February, 2013
- Oracle acquires Eloqua. How will this affect the marketing automation industry? on 21st January, 2013
- Salesforce launches new Marketing Cloud. Is it a threat to the digital marketing apps vendors? on 14th November, 2012
- Pitney Bowes looks to digital marketing solutions for renewal and growth on 6th November, 2012
- IBM continues to build its position in enterprise digital marketing on 1st November, 2012
- Oracle sees sales opportunity in the customer experience market on 24th October, 2012
- High flying ServiceSource increases customer retention and maintenance contract renewals on 17th October, 2012
- SugarCRM hits a sweet spot in the CRM market on 17th September, 2012
- Marketo Rocks Up and Powers On in Marketing Automation on 11th September, 2012
- Is digital marketing technology being abused? on 25th June, 2012
- Digital Marketers and IT folk must become more interdependent on 13th June, 2012
- The King of Digital Marketing: Adobe vs. IBM on 31st May, 2012
- Digital marketing technologies will start to deliver enterprise customer goals in 2012 on 21st December, 2011
- How IT user conferences are changing on 29th November, 2011
- New ways for digital marketers to develop and monetize company social media followers on 14th November, 2011
- VYRE launches On Brand to address the fast-growing Brand Asset Management (BAM) market on 31st October, 2011
- Will Digital Marketing replicate the mistakes of the CRM market? on 30th September, 2011
- Data is the new oil for online marketers – valuable but dangerous on 23rd June, 2011
- A quick guide to the new Digital Marketing technology speak on 2nd June, 2011
- TIBCO Spotfire launches new version of analytics platform on 11th May, 2011
- Micro-gone-Soft? on 22nd February, 2011
- Enterprise vendors Oracle, SAP, and IBM embrace innovation on 17th February, 2011
- The Interactive Medica on 31st January, 2011
- 4 driving forces that will shape the Tech market in 2011 and beyond on 21st December, 2010
- What enterprise applications vendors (and all of us) can learn from Facebook on 7th December, 2010
- Netezza still sparkles after acquisition by IBM on 25th November, 2010
- The great pre-Xmas BI give-away! on 17th November, 2010
- A new approach to enterprise software development on 5th November, 2010
- Who is afraid of the new IBM? Oracle is on 28th October, 2010
- So what’s new in the CRM market? on 21st October, 2010
- Statistical Process Control (SPC) solutions are now gaining adoption in services industries on 24th November, 2009
- Internet World exhibition bucks the downward trend on 14th May, 2009
- An Executive Guide to the Green Value of High Performance Data Warehousing on 11th May, 2009
- Opalis takes cloud computing to the next level on 15th April, 2009
- New Approaches to Greening the Data Centre on 11th March, 2009
- How Real-Time Online Sales Lead Scoring Drives A Competitive Edge on 25th February, 2009
- Why corporate web sites are gaining strategic importance and relevance for the enterprise on 8th January, 2009
- Digital Marketing poised to benefit from 2009 slowdown on 22nd December, 2008
- A Business Executive Guide to Enterprise Social Networking on 20th October, 2008
- Bellweather SAP shares hit by preliminary Q3 results. How will other software vendors fare? on 7th October, 2008
- Digital Marketing: It’s a jungle out there on 26th September, 2008
- A Business Executive Briefing on OnSite Conversion Management on 19th September, 2008
- Bloggers: the new power behind the throne on 25th July, 2008
- Why performance management systems should be enterprise-wide on 9th July, 2008
- Digital Marketing: demystifying the new trends and techniques on 22nd May, 2008
- Incentive Compensation Management on 14th May, 2008
- Are data management consulting and business management consulting becoming one and the same? on 8th May, 2008
- The future of data management: 5 actions vendors should take right now on 11th April, 2008
- Deltek strengthens its position in the project software market after a successful IPO on 10th March, 2008
- The strange case of the marketing / CRM cobblers’ children . . . on 28th February, 2008
- The secret sauce is in the software’s simplicity on 14th February, 2008
- How the ‘Volume to Value’ business model undermines customer trust on 6th February, 2008
- Content Intelligence supplier Clarabridge grows by a whopping 500% in 2007 on 28th January, 2008
- SaaS requires established software vendors to be more customer-centric on 23rd January, 2008
- The software vendor market in 2008 on 21st December, 2007
- Is the newly-launched Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server suite the real deal? on 9th November, 2007
- Sage 200 BI and Sage 1000 BI Business Software Suites on 26th October, 2007
- How enterprise early adopters are using Web 2.0 technologies on 26th October, 2007
- Bye-bye Little BI on 12th October, 2007
- Enterprise Marketing Management (EMM) solutions become trendy (again) on 10th October, 2007
- Cognos acquires Applix on 18th September, 2007
- Business Objects sharpens up their act to impress the market on 17th August, 2007
- Software can be free if you don’t mind the adverts . . . on 30th July, 2007
- “No Jerks!” catches public imagination on 18th July, 2007
- Sales Performance Management gains market favour on 10th July, 2007
- Leading software vendors invest in the nascent Content Intelligence (CI) market on 8th June, 2007
- Here’s one for all you knowledge workers out there on 6th June, 2007
- Predictive modeling becomes affordable for mid-market customers on 18th May, 2007
- Business Objects acquires Cartesis – a very French affaire on 26th April, 2007
- Will new low cost pricing models deliver the promise of “pervasive BI”? on 5th April, 2007
- It’s analytics, but not as we know it… on 2nd April, 2007
- Microsoft moves further into the Content Intelligence (CI) space on 16th March, 2007
- Oracle and Hyperion: is there really a strategic fit? on 9th March, 2007
- How CIOs can win back the hearts and minds of users on 2nd March, 2007
- The Content Intelligence (CI) market: to be or not to be? on 23rd February, 2007
- First to the emerging Content Intelligence (CI) market: the FAST Adaptive Information Warehouse on 16th February, 2007
- Founder-driven software vendors – are they good for enterprise software buyers? on 8th February, 2007
- Let the battle for the mid-market commence on 26th January, 2007
- BI and CPM markets in 2007: When two become one on 22nd January, 2007
- Are you being served? on 14th December, 2006
- Delivering Performance Management solutions on 7th December, 2006
- Deltek’s rebirth focuses on Earned Value Management (EVM) on 28th November, 2006
- Making enterprise software addictive on 23rd November, 2006
- The King of BI: Business Objects vs Cognos on 17th November, 2006
- What customers want on 9th November, 2006
- Cartesis shows off its French flair on 23rd October, 2006
- Analysts accused of confusing the BI and CPM markets on 16th October, 2006
- CPM and BI: Market Trends Compared & Contrasted on 13th September, 2006
- CPM and BI: Emerging product segments, vendors, and convergence trends on 6th September, 2006
- Corporate Performance Management on 1st September, 2006
- Business Intelligence on 26th June, 2006