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- Annual Bloor Symposium
- Executive programme events such as roundtables, workshops and seminars
- Executive peer-to-peer networking events
- Tele-briefings and Webinars
- We have close relationships with many of the most successful CIOs around the world
- The calibre of our facilitator, often an ex-CIO, will create a frank, honest, and constructive atmosphere where you can gain the insight into what your target audience thinks.
- Being vendor, media & research agnostic, we are recognised by the CIO community as an independent voice, able to create mutually-beneficial conversations between CIOs and vendors

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Configuration Management – What has it ever done for us?!
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Themes addressed may include:
- Management understands and appreciates what Configuration Management does and how it benefits the organisation and its reputation
- vs. public examples such as a well publicised service outage of a major bank that may have been attributable to poor configuration management
- Current issues for practitioners:
- ITIL has been a great boon to standardising terminology across industry, and for raising the profile of Configuration Management as a fundamental process
- vs. many application development teams are only peripherally aware of what ITIL is about, if that – they don’t see it as relevant to their daily jobs – “we have been successfully doing software configuration management for years thank you very much”.
- The concept of the CMDB was huge step forward for industry
- vs. hardly anyone knows how to successfully implement a CMDB
The format of the evening will be 5-10 minute opinion slots with plenty of time for discussion. We plan to record the audio and publish the transcript together with other materials to promote online discussion.
We look forward to a stimulating and educational evening – whichever side of the fence you are on, come along and make your views heard – with the calibre of people taking part in the discussion you will pick up some useful ideas in any case, as well as being able to network with your peers and colleagues.