Test Data Management - Where's the Value?
This page shows up to 100 pieces of content which have been tagged Value (newest at the top):
IRI Voracity and Test Design Automation
IRI Voracity is a data management platform that offers a wide range of data-oriented functionality. How does that functionality apply to test design automation?
Optimising HPE ALM with CA Agile Requirements Designer
CA Agile Requirements Designer brings significant additional capabilities to HPE ALM environments.
Automated test case generation
In this paper we focus on automating the testing process, it is there where we believe that the greatest savings and efficiencies can be achieved.
Test Data Management from Grid-Tools and Informatica
We have been commissioned by Grid-Tools to compare its Datamaker test data management offering with that of the equivalent product from Informatica.
Agile data management
The environments in which data management rules are developed and tested in most organisations today are old-fashioned, time consuming and error prone.
Accurate test data
Traditional approaches to test data involve sampling (and then masking) from your existing data. However, there are advantages to generating the data from scratch.