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Outcome Automation - Further Information

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00002770 - MODERNISATION UNIFACE Spotlight (cover thumbnail)

Modernisation with modern tools empowers you to do more with less - And modernisation thrives on modern approaches, such as Low Code and AI

Modernisation is better than rip and replace, taking advantage of Low Code, AI (Augmented Intelligence), DevOps etc.
Uniface InBrief cover thumbnail

Uniface - A modernised low-code platform

Uniface today is a long-established but now modernised low-code platform, recently acquired by Rocket Software. The two companies seem like a good fit.
00002779 - AZUL-ORACLE InComparison (cover thumbnail)

Java platforms from Azul and Oracle - Focusing on security, performance and value-add

Oracle and Azul produce high quality OpenJDK implementations but are differentiated by their performance Javas and sales/licensing policies.
AZUL InBrief cover thumbnail

The Azul Platform for Java

Azul Platform contains Azul Core (an alternative to Oracle Java) supporting OpenJDK, Azul Prime (a performance Java) and Azul Vulnerability Detection.
ORACLE InBRIEF (cover thumbnail)

Oracle Java – Java SE and GraalVM

Oracle Corp. owns the official Java SE platform. As well as implementing the Open JDK standard, it also produces GraalVM, a high performance Java.
Modernisation with Modern Tools InContext (July 2023) cover thumbnail

Modernisation with modern tools empowers you to do more with less

Modernisation is usually less risky and cheaper than 'rip and replace', especially using a modernised tool such as Uniface.

DevOps Automation and Evolution - The future of DevOps is a vital business concern

The future of DevOps is a vital business concern. A current issue is transforming DevOps agility into real Business agility.
00002698 - TRUSTPORTAL InBrief thumbnail

TrustPortal Hyper Automation

Hyper Automation is the continuous integration of automation into every area of business operations, using tools such as TrustPortal.
IBM BLOCKCHAIN InPerspective cover thumbnail

IBM Blockchain as a Service

IBM blockchain as a service development platform & sandbox for enterprise trusted ledger solutions, reducing fraud, removing duplication, saving time and cost.


Hot Report explaining Blockchain distributed ledger technology benefits business model use cases and why you should skill up and include in your strategy now.

Low-Code/No-Code Development

This report discusses the Low-Code and No-Code Development spaces and evaluates several leading low-code and no-code development products.
Cover for the Visual Integration Processor InBrief

Visual Integration Processor

Visual Integration Processor is a .NET based rapid application assembly framework for integrating software.
Cover for The LANSA Low Code Development Platform

The LANSA Low Code Development Platform - for mission-critical Enterprise applications

Visual LANSA is a high-productivity, low-code development platform, which promotes rapid web and mobile development.
Cover for Uniface: A low-code development disruptor

Uniface: A low-code development disruptor - a modern visual development platform with provenance

Uniface is a different kind of disruptor on the increasingly popular low-code development platform space.
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