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Graph Databases - What's Innovative?

This page shows up to 100 pieces of content which have been tagged Innovative (newest at the top):

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Keysight brings gen AI to the testing world

Across the IT industry businesses are grasping the Gen AI nettle and engineering it into their products. Testing seems to be an excellent area, perhaps even the best area for its application.
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Men are from Mars, graphs are from Kobai Saturn

Kobai Saturn is Kobai’s RDF graph backend, joining its visualisation and authoring tools, Kobai Tower and Kobai Studio, to form a knowledge graph platform.
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Ontotext makes life easier

Ontotext is introducing SQL support to enable easier access to GraphDB, as well as visual migration support from relational databases.
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Franz Inc. releases AllegroGraph 7.0

Graph database vendor Franz Inc. has released the latest versions of AllegroGraph, and graph visualisation and discovery engine, Gruff.
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GraphQL: a replacement for REST?

During our research on graph databases, one particular piece of open source software has come up repeatedly: GraphQL. But what is GraphQL, really? What are its benefits, and where did it come from? And can it really compete with REST?
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Managing data catalogue proliferation

Data catalogues are becoming increasingly popular. Put simply, a data catalogue is a repository of information about a company's data assets ...
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TigerGraph is a graph database that has just been formally released. It is targeted at real-time graph analytics.
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Yet another graph update - SQL property graph extensions and IBM Compose supports JanusGraph
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Graph Update 4: performance, scalability and Neo4j

This article discusses the current and planned features in Neo4j that specifically relate to performance and scalability.
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Graph update: GRAKN.AI

GRAKN.AI offers a knowledge base with a knowledge representation system based on Hypergraph theory.
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Graph update

This is the first of several articles on the graph/RDF (and hypergraph) space. This one is generic, the others will be product/vendor specific.
Cover for Blazegraph GPU

Blazegraph GPU

There are relatively few companies that specifically address graph analytics as opposed to analytics within the context of operational applications.
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NoHow is the antidote to NoSQL

Declarative languages are becoming more and more prevalent for NoSQL
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Graphs and GPUs

SYSTAP is implementing its graph database using Nvidia GPUs. This has some serious price/performance benefits for large scale analytics.
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Enthusiasm is the SPARQL in your eyes

SPARQLverse is a new analytic graph database developed by SPARQL City and available from both that company and as part of the Actian Analytics Platform.
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The return of the associative database?

An open source associative database project in the US means that this technology may be about to make a comeback.
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Teradata Aster 6.0

The latest release of Teradata Aster has some interesting graph capabilities
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BSP and Graphs

Bulk Synchronous Parallel is a clustered low-cost solution (a la Hadoop) being adopted for graph databases and graph analytics
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De-duplication in a graph database

Could you use a graph database for matching? Yes, almost certainly. And, if so, how would that compete with data quality tools?
Cover for uRiKA


uRiKA is an appliance for graph analytics which contains a graph database, but what exactly is a graph database or, for that matter, a graph, and why should you care?
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The fourth in a series of five articles about graph databases
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