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Graph Databases - What's Changed?

This page shows up to 100 pieces of content which have been tagged Changed (newest at the top):

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Better together: Ontotext and Semantic Web Company become Graphwise

Longtime partners Ontotext and Semantic Web Company have come together to form Graphwise, and with it the graph AI platform of the same name.
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Ultipa Graph approaches version 5.0

Ultipa Graph, one of the newer entrants to the graph database space, is approaching its 5.0 version update.
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A eulogy for RedisGraph

Less than five years after its initial release, Redis has announced that RedisGraph will be discontinued. Why?
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Informatica acquires GreenBay

After making an investment in the company back in 2019, Informatica has now announced the acquisition of GreenBay Technologies.
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Franz Inc. releases AllegroGraph 7.0

Graph database vendor Franz Inc. has released the latest versions of AllegroGraph, and graph visualisation and discovery engine, Gruff.
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Graph Update 4: performance, scalability and Neo4j

This article discusses the current and planned features in Neo4j that specifically relate to performance and scalability.
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Whither data governance?

Why is data governance so hot right now?
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Graph update: Ontotext GraphDB

The second in this series of updates discusses recent releases from Ontotext
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Graph update

This is the first of several articles on the graph/RDF (and hypergraph) space. This one is generic, the others will be product/vendor specific.
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Data virtualisation: the next generation

New approaches to data virtualisation threaten incumbents
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A quiet revolution

Analytics and graphs are appearing in more and more software tools
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A modern take on master data

Reltio provides analytic applications - think actionable insight - on top of an MDM foundation
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Cray opens EMEA headquarters

Cray sees the convergence of HPC (high performance computing) and big data.
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GraphConnect Europe

GraphConnect is (probably) the largest graph database conference.
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New thinking on spreadsheets

There are some interesting new kids on the block in the spreadsheet world
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S/4HANA and AnyDB

Third party database providers are going to have some difficulty in persuading SAP that they can support S/4HANA
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Comfort zones

Stories are becoming broader and that doesn't necessarily make life easier
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Consolidating graphs and other matters

The graph database market is starting to consolidate. There are also interesting graph and associative database developments
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Neo4j 2.0

In its new release Neo4j has extended its property graphs by including labelling
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DB2: a relational epithet is no longer enough

DB2 now has so many storage engines that it's no longer accurate to simply call it "relational"
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Objectivity and InfiniteGraph

InfiniteGraph is a graph database built on top of Objectivity/DB
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IBM and DB2 version 10

The latest version of DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows is now available. Perhaps most interestingly DB2 can now act as a graph store.
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