Data at Rest - What's Innovative?
This page shows up to 100 pieces of content which have been tagged Innovative (newest at the top):
The SAP and Databricks Partnership: What you need to know
SAP and Databricks partner to integrate business data with AI. SAP Databricks unlocks siloed data for advanced analytics and better decisions.
Teradata embraces the future of AI with Enterprise Vector Store
Teradata's new Enterprise Vector Store is a game-changer for AI, unifying structured and unstructured data to drive innovation and business outcomes.
Kyvos Insights: Unleashing speed, scale, and agility in data analysis
Kyvos Insights is a game-changer in the data analytics industry, offering a scalable, high-performance platform that empowers organizations to unlock insights and drive decision-making.
Vector databases and their use in Generative AI
Generative AI engines are built on large language models, which are built on vector data. This makes vector databases essential for implementing generative AI.
Teradata releases AI Unlimited
Teradata AI Unlimited is an attempt to give data professionals and developers of all types access to the tools they need to freely experiment with AI.
Teradata’s AI Unlimited: An evolution in large scale AI
AI and ML innovations are transforming industries across the globe. Teradata is in the vanguard of this movement.
First Came BI, then AI, and now there’s GAI - All about GAI and LLMs
The GAI efforts of the technology world are focused like a laser beam on how to integrate GAI with their technology, to the greater glory of their customers.
VMware Greenplum - A Powerful Data Warehouse for Large Scale Analytics
Andy Hayler explores the background of data warehouses, and looks at Greenplum, a highly scalable open-source massively parallel warehouse.
Sustainability – in the mix or front and centre?
Sustainability is a strategic imperative touching all elements of Stakeholder Engagement in a Mutable Business™.
Ontotext makes life easier
Ontotext is introducing SQL support to enable easier access to GraphDB, as well as visual migration support from relational databases.
GraphQL: a replacement for REST?
During our research on graph databases, one particular piece of open source software has come up repeatedly: GraphQL. But what is GraphQL, really? What are its benefits, and where did it come from? And can it really compete with REST?
The Cloud, Data Warehousing and Snowflake, all my old ideas shot to ribbons!
An introduction to Snowflake a true data warehouse for the Cloud
Managing data catalogue proliferation
Data catalogues are becoming increasingly popular. Put simply, a data catalogue is a repository of information about a company's data assets ...
TigerGraph is a graph database that has just been formally released. It is targeted at real-time graph analytics.
Yet another graph update - SQL property graph extensions and IBM Compose supports JanusGraph
Graph update: GRAKN.AI
GRAKN.AI offers a knowledge base with a knowledge representation system based on Hypergraph theory.
Data virtualisation: the next generation
New approaches to data virtualisation threaten incumbents
Zizo: using a pattern database
The first of two blogs discussing Zizo, an analytics vendor. This blog discusses the underlying database.
Teradata introduces Intelliflex
Teradata becomes much more flexible in its scalability options.
NoHow is the antidote to NoSQL
Declarative languages are becoming more and more prevalent for NoSQL
Apache Trafodion DBMS - Innovation for Big Data with SQL access to Hadoop.
Apache is going to offer a lot more than just Hadoop analytics processing, with a database that can federate OLTP and big data analytics.
dashDB is IBM's in-cloud warehousing as a service
Enthusiasm is the SPARQL in your eyes
SPARQLverse is a new analytic graph database developed by SPARQL City and available from both that company and as part of the Actian Analytics Platform.
Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others
NuoDB's latest release lets users perform operational analytics on transactional data: seeing what is otherwise invisible (without a data warehouse)
Distributing MySQL databases
ScaleBase provides the ability to distribute MySQL databases without change to existing applications.
How do you map a sphere to a plane?
SpaceCurve looks like the sine qua non of geo-spatial databases.
The return of the associative database?
An open source associative database project in the US means that this technology may be about to make a comeback.
Teradata Aster 6.0
The latest release of Teradata Aster has some interesting graph capabilities
BSP and Graphs
Bulk Synchronous Parallel is a clustered low-cost solution (a la Hadoop) being adopted for graph databases and graph analytics
Oracle ups the storage ante
Oracle has announced the ZS3, which integrates with Oracle Database 12c
BLU Acceleration
BLU Acceleration provides significantly improved query performance in IBM DB2 data warehousing environments.
De-duplication in a graph database
Could you use a graph database for matching? Yes, almost certainly. And, if so, how would that compete with data quality tools?
What exactly is in-memory?
In-memory processing can be used for a lot of different things within data warehousing
Is YourSQL running too slowly?
Tokutek provides an interesting alternative to sharding, SSDs or relacement databases if MySQL is running too slowly
NoSQL and NewSQL
NewSQL databases have new architectures but are designed specifically for OLTP, supporting SQL
The EDW is dead
It's not just big data, the EDW doesn't work even for structured environments
The lesser-known MDM
There are many less well-known MDM vendors. One such (certainly in the UK) is Riversand.
DataRush extends its boundaries
The latest release of Pervasive DataRush extends its acapabilities to include data mining capabilities.
VoltDB has now come to market as an open source database.
Netezza Advanced Analytics
Netezza has introduced the TwinFin iClass
Cadis EDM
Cadis provides enterprise data management (EDM) for the buy side of capital markets
Going to the Xtreme
I recently discussed XtremeData's DBx appliance. I now have more details. As I mentioned before it is based on PostgreSQL but only the front-end of that has been retained while the back-end has...
The Ingres VectorWise project
In case you missed it, Ingres and VectorWise recently announced that they would be bringing a joint offering to the data warehousing market next year. The various press and other commentary on this...
The optimal warehouse
Suppose you wanted the best possible combination of features to provide ultimate performance in data warehousing? Actually, you probably do. What would this look like? Well, to begin with you...
Performance-driven compression
Netezza has announced compression that is as much or more about performance as it is about compression.