Data as an Asset - What's Changed?
This page shows up to 100 pieces of content which have been tagged Changed (newest at the top):
Data management trends in 2025
In 2025 data management is more relevant than ever as it has to deal with the challenges of data fabric architectures, data standardization, policy driven compliance enforcement and the onset of AI.
What’s happening in test data management?
Test Data Management is, as ever, a changing space. What’s been happening since our last Market Update?
Data Management – Then and Now
This blog aims to provide a whirlwind tour of the most recent trends in data management, and to explain what those trends mean and why they’re important.
Informatica acquires GreenBay
After making an investment in the company back in 2019, Informatica has now announced the acquisition of GreenBay Technologies.
Append-only databases and the GDPR conundrum
How do you apply the right to erasure (a GDPR requirement) if you use an append-only database? Short answer: you can’t.
Whither data governance?
Why is data governance so hot right now?
Addressing the GDPR issue - Patterns and Antipatterns for success
Addressing GDPR for business benefit rather than as a cost
Acquisitions of governance
Informatica has acquired Diaku. A second recent acquisition of a data governance provider suggests that these may be the first acquisitions of many.
Syncsort acquires Trillium
Syncsort has acquired Trillium Software: I admit to not expecting this
ERwin runs free - just in time to take on the GDPR problem, perhaps
ERwin has just been spun out from CA Technologies
Trillium enters the data discovery/preparation market
Trillium has partnered with UNIFi to enter the extended data preparation space
Teradata partners with Alation
Teradata will be reselling Alation's Data Discovery product in place of Loom.
Not what I would call data preparation
Another one of my occasional digs at misleading marketing material, this time from CloverETL
CA Technologies acquires Grid-Tools
CA has acquired Grid-Tools. As always, the questions are what CA will do with its new products and will this be good for users?
Informatica conference update
Informatica World announcements
Advizor Solutions
Advizor is an often overlooked competitor to Qlik, Tableau and Spotfire.
Hello Earth: we have lift off!
Rocket Software is just about to launch a data preparation/analytic platform.
Datawatch and data preparation
Datawatch has launched its Managed Analytics Platform, which brings together data preparation and Panopticon.
Comfort zones
Stories are becoming broader and that doesn't necessarily make life easier
BackOffice Associates reinvents itself
BackOffice is moving towards a much more tool agnostic (not just SAP) approach and across the spectrum of data integration/governance functions.
Embarcadero acquires ERwin – more news
Embarcadero comments on acquisition
News from the world of data modeling
Embarcadero acquires ERwin
The bus anomaly in Test Data Management
Just when you've found a second company offering synthetic test data generation another one comes along.
Why you should license Excel 2013: and it’s not because of the BI
The most important thing about Excel 2013 is the governance and its going to put a number of third party companies and products under a lot of pressure
Service virtualisation
Will Informatica's next acqusition be Parasoft?
Datanomic: a textbook case
What has made Datanomic such a juicy morsel for Oracle?
Trillium Software System v13 and TrilliumApps
Trillium Software has recently launched TrilliumApps: this could change the face of the software industry.
DataFlux Data Management Platform
DataFlux's Unity project is about to come to fruition
The Informatica Event
Comments from Informatica's recent analyst conference
Cadis EDM
Cadis provides enterprise data management (EDM) for the buy side of capital markets
Pervasive BI, Pervasive data quality, Pervasive availability - what's with all this pervasiveness?
Kalido gets busy
Kalido has become very active over the last few months
And the last shall be first
How come Finsbury Solutions is the biggest spreadsheet management vendor and yet they are not at all well known?
HP DRAGON – Smaug or Y Ddraig Goch?
HP Data Retention and Guardian Online (HP DRAGON) is a solution primarily aimed at fulfilling the needs of the EU Data Retention Directive (EU DRD), as well as similar communications data retention...
Surfing in Hawaii
Kalido has announced the Kalido KONA Information Appliance. Of course, as you will know, Kona is the word for capital in Hawaiian and, since the appliance is based on the Netezza TwinFin, the...
iWay introduces EIM
iWay, the Information Builders subsidiary, has introduced an EIM (enterprise information management) offering. Since the term EIM may not necessarily be clear I had better explain that this is a...
In the data quality jungle something is stirring
Among the big beasts in the data quality jungle I don't think there are many people who would include Pitney Bowes. However, that could be about to change. First, a word about the company:...
The problem with data quality solutions part 5
Finally (I think) there is one more problem with standard data quality solutions and, specifically, with most data profiling products. I have previously referred to the fact that there is not as...
The problem with data quality solutions part 4
Having set out my stall with regard to conventional data cleansing and matching products (a report card that would read tries hard, could do better) I now want to turn my attention to data...
The problem with data quality solutions part 3
So far in this series of articles I have discussed the failures of traditional data quality tools when it comes to matching in general and product and complex data matching in particular. However,...
The problem with data quality solutions part 2
I recently wrote about the deficiencies of traditional data quality tools when it comes to data matching. How the conventional pattern-based approach with user defined rules for weights simply...
The problem with data quality solutions
There are actually a number of problems with traditional data quality solutions (which I will return to) but in this article I am going to focus on what is arguably the basis of all data quality,...