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This page was archived on 16th April, 2019 and is no longer actively maintained.

Data Archival - What's Innovative?

This page shows up to 100 pieces of content which have been tagged Innovative (newest at the top):

Cover for RainStor Archiving

RainStor Archiving

In this paper we will discuss the facilities provided, supported by the views of a number of RainStor customers to whom we have spoken.
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Informatica partners with Exterro

Informatica and Exterro partnership links unstructured eDiscovery with structured archiving
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Accessing archived data

DataNovata from NSC offers an interestingly different approach to accessing archived data
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RainStor provides a long-term storage solution using tokenised files
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3 strange things about data archival

I used to regard data archival as pretty boring. Yes, I took briefings from companies like Bit by Bit (bought by OuterBay), OuterBay (acquired by HP) and Princeton Softech (now part of IBM) but...
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