Streaming Analytics 202113th April 2021Daniel Howard What’s the state of Streaming Analytics in 2021, and how has it changed since Bloor's last market overview back in 2018?
Significant changes in the Hybrid Infrastructure Management market11th December 2020Paul Bevan Multi-Cloud and new development and deployment technologies are forcing the pace of changes in the Hybrid Infrastructure Management market.
ExtraHop goes one hop further taking wire data into Open Data Stream18th August 2014Peter Williams ExtraHop Networks makes its structured wire data available to open big data repositories; it will soon add LOB data
Pentaho developments, including an exciting collaboration with Splunk3rd September 2013David Norris A review of recent Pentaho announcements
Big Data roundup2nd July 2013Philip Howard Some latest news from vendors in the Hadoop and/or big data space
Splunk: are you imaginative enough to realise its potential?16th January 2012David Norris A look at the latest release of Splunk, the market leader in machine data analysis
I will Splunk, you can Splunk for free, I fact we all should Splunk!28th September 2011David Norris Splunk is a search capability for your enterprise data that will open up meaning from the data within your business silos