CMDB and CMS: Powerhouses Of Service Management

The BCS/itSMF conference "The CMDB and CMS - the Powerhouse Of Service Management" points to a closer relationship between the BCS and the itSMF (between traditional IT and Operations service delivery) and captures participant knowledge.

Sam, Sam, pick up thee ITIL……

What most people call Software Asset Management (SAM) is just licence management and purely compliance focused. This rant is a plea for proper asset management as part of a Configuration Management System offering real busines benefits.

Is VoIP Ready For Business?

Some IT professionals are expressing concerns over the use of VoIP in business environments. Is VoIP ready for mainstream business critical deployment?

CA lights up storage with iLumin capture

This acquisition by CA, which strengthens its already robust storage management offerings, should make iLumins products available to a far wider customer base, especially in Europe.