Resurgence of the CIM?6th January 2011David Norfolk The hard part of automating business process isn't (despite what IT often tells you) the programming, it's understanding the business process.
The Vast Power of Certification!27th December 2010David Norfolk Certification is a useful communications tool and a way of concentrating peoples' minds - but there has to be something serious behind it.
Latency: an IT Governance story?21st December 2010David Norfolk Effectively managing latency is an IT governance issue but it isn't just a cost of doing business - it helps to deliver profitable business outcomes
Git along thar little dogie29th November 2010David Norfolk A BCS CMSG event highlights the advantages of open-source distributed version control.
Farewell to GRC; bring on Good Governance26th August 2010David Norfolk Good IT governance, built into "the way we work here", is a lot more, and a lot more useful, than what people often think of as GRC
IBM breaks down the silos – Part 4, Reuse, Token Licenses and Conclusion19th July 2010David Norfolk Part 4 of an analysis of where IBM is going, garnered from its recent PCTU (Tivoli) and Innovate (Rational) conferences
IBM breaks down the silos – Part 2, the Security silo14th July 2010David Norfolk Part 2 of an analysis of where IBM is going, garnered from its recent PCTU (Tivoli) and Innovate (Rational) conferences
Some thoughts on Sybase, following on from its recent Analyst Summit in the New York Stock Exchange9th June 2010David Norfolk Sybase is in the news following its possible purchase by SAP but it still seems to have a good technology story apart from that.
CMMI Made Practical 20105th May 2010David Norfolk I've been involved with the CMMI Made Practical event since it started. If you're interested in improving your processes, it's well worth attending.
What’s wrong with “security”2nd February 2010David Norfolk Security is not an end in itself. Better to think in terms of the holistic governance of automated systems delivering better business outcomes.