SPARK 2014 lowers the barriers to low-defect programming19th November 2014David Norfolk SPARK 2014 makes use of formal methods and low-defect programming easier.
Fraud insights from the iSMG summit29th September 2014David Norfolk Don't let fraud controls make you spoil the user experience for honest customers.
A storm about testing3rd September 2014Philip Howard ISO 29119 is a set of testing standards that are causing something of a furore and a petition to stop it.
Data Classification, it’s a people thing!28th July 2014David Norfolk Data classification looks like a good idea, but the devil is in the detail, especially if you enforce data loss preventoion
Attunity Gold Client10th April 2014Philip Howard Attunity Gold Client provides test data management and allied capabilities for SAP applications.
The role of the chief data officer18th February 2014Philip Howard What does the CDO do? What should he/she be doing? What is the relationship with governance, compliance and security?
Profiling is not just about quality24th January 2014Philip Howard Data profiling can be used for more things than just supporting data quality
Bring mainframe SOA APIs into management17th January 2014David Norfolk SOA Software has extended its Lifecycle Manager to cover the mainframe
The evolution of testing, from a Bloor POV - Testing is an aspect of good governance and should be done early.30th October 2013David Norfolk An overview of the Bloor viewpoint on testing and test automation.