
Pervasive BI, Pervasive data quality, Pervasive availability - what's with all this pervasiveness?

HP DRAGON – Smaug or Y Ddraig Goch?

HP Data Retention and Guardian Online (HP DRAGON) is a solution primarily aimed at fulfilling the needs of the EU Data Retention Directive (EU DRD), as well as similar communications data retention...

Surfing in Hawaii

Kalido has announced the Kalido KONA Information Appliance. Of course, as you will know, Kona is the word for capital in Hawaiian and, since the appliance is based on the Netezza TwinFin, the...

iWay introduces EIM

iWay, the Information Builders subsidiary, has introduced an EIM (enterprise information management) offering. Since the term EIM may not necessarily be clear I had better explain that this is a...