Newest but not bestest?

With "people centric process" highlighting the iPhone as a process interface, it's sometimes hard to remember it's still "people" before "technology".

It’s SMEs for ISYS

ISYS Search Software offers competitive, well-featured products for corporate desktop machines and for intranets and Web sites.

Delivering Enterprise Knowledge

Finding and retrieving information is vital to any organisation. This is difficult because of the gulf between the way organisations get at and deliver unstructured versus structured data.

KANA counts on versatility

KANA Software supplies systems to help organizations improve their electronic dealings with customers. The software is popular with its many blue-chip users but is popularity enough?

WebEx – the Multimedia Dial Tone

Most people who have tuned into a Webcast or had a software demo over the Internet will have used a WebEx service without being aware of it - or realising that similar services are available to them.

IBM releases Lotus Notes/Domino 7

Earlier this month IBM released the latest version of its Notes/Domino product after 16 months of public beta testing. So what can users expect between now and the future transition to 'Hannover'?