TigerGraph26th September 2017Philip Howard TigerGraph is a graph database that has just been formally released. It is targeted at real-time graph analytics.
Pentaho 7.1 a point release but one that Sparks my interest8th June 2017David Norris A Point Release of the Pentaho BI stack that is worthy of attention
SAS goes open27th June 2016Philip Howard SAS is being innovative in a number of areas, not least of which is opening up to other languages
ERwin runs free - just in time to take on the GDPR problem, perhaps11th April 2016David Norfolk ERwin has just been spun out from CA Technologies
Guavus – Using analytics to achieve the impossible dream of making cuts without detrimental impact.22nd January 2016David Norris Guavus - use analytics to determine the real impact of both investments and cuts. Enabling cost savings which do not impair the customer experience !
Bringing governance to big data12th November 2015Philip Howard IBM and Informatica have both just come out with big data integration and governance products
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Kerberos R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn - translation: "In his house at R'lyeh dead Kerberos waits dreaming".13th October 2015David Norfolk Security is important for Hadoop data resources. This means that you must come to grips with Kerberos.
Apache Trafodion DBMS - Innovation for Big Data with SQL access to Hadoop.6th October 2015David Norfolk Apache is going to offer a lot more than just Hadoop analytics processing, with a database that can federate OLTP and big data analytics.
ParStream and the edge24th April 2015Philip Howard The Internet of Things will require distributed stream-based computing: ParStream is a pioneer in this area.