Bringing governance to big data12th November 2015Philip Howard IBM and Informatica have both just come out with big data integration and governance products
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Kerberos R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn - translation: "In his house at R'lyeh dead Kerberos waits dreaming".13th October 2015David Norfolk Security is important for Hadoop data resources. This means that you must come to grips with Kerberos.
Apache Trafodion DBMS - Innovation for Big Data with SQL access to Hadoop.6th October 2015David Norfolk Apache is going to offer a lot more than just Hadoop analytics processing, with a database that can federate OLTP and big data analytics.
ParStream and the edge24th April 2015Philip Howard The Internet of Things will require distributed stream-based computing: ParStream is a pioneer in this area.
The wanton stings and motion of the sense2nd December 2014Philip Howard Savi is a specialist provider of IoT (Internet of Things) sensor-based analytics.
By our first strange and fatal interview24th November 2014Philip Howard I recently shared a webcast with the CIO of Informatica
Turning the Internet into a corporate database7th October 2014Philip Howard Bitvore provides the ability to capture fresh data from the Internet and use it as a corporate asset
The gazelle leaps into action2nd October 2014Philip Howard Springbok is a data preparation platform for business users.
Arria: wow!6th August 2014Philip Howard Arria doesn't just analyse data for you, it presents the results, with recommendations, in natural language.
How do you map a sphere to a plane?11th July 2014Philip Howard SpaceCurve looks like the sine qua non of geo-spatial databases.