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Operations Management Platforms for the Services Sector

Cover for Operations Management Platforms for the Services Sector

Classification: Market Update

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Operations Management for the service sector involves
the authoritative maintenance, control
and improvement of organisational activities
that convert the resources of a service
organisation into the activities required
to deliver the business strategy. The
measurement and evaluation of the
operations is undertaken through a
process of business appraisal. Efficiency
and effectiveness of service
delivery are monitored by the application
of performance and quality
management techniques.

Operations Management for the
service sector can be viewed as a
composite collaborative application
that acts as a hub to support
shop-floor staff by providing them
with automated support for the tasks
they need to perform in the order that
they need to perform them, whilst at same
time it provides operational management with
both the capabilities to measure performance and
also be able to react quickly to exceptions so they
do nor turn into crises. This collaborative environment
is not only for internal staff to be able work together
but also externals, including both suppliers
and customers. If you are not able to pull together
the information you need to manage operations effectively
in real-time

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