IRI Voracity (2020)
By: Philip Howard and Daniel Howard
Classification: InBrief
IRI Voracity is a data management platform designed to perform and consolidate common work in Data Discovery, Data Integration, Data Migration, Data Governance and Analytics.
IRI Voracity is based on the CoSort engine and it drives solution depth by including standalone products in both the IRI Data Manager Suite and the IRI Data Protector Suite, each of which have various sub-components. Voracity offers an integrated platform with metadata shared across the whole environment. A formal data catalogue is missing, though the product does have inherent data classification capabilities and its central metadata stores are easy to understand, share, and use, or create for Collibra.
A similar consideration applies to data governance whereby there are some capabilities provided, mostly related to data privacy and quality, but not a general-purpose capability for which the company would rely on integration with partners like Erwin, Most notable of ancillary governance capabilities in Voracity are test data management, with options for synthetic data generation, database subsetting, and static and dynamic data masking (with the option to combine both).