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Eggplant Intelligence: AI-Augmented Testing powered by Generative AI

WhitePaper Keysight Gen AI (March 2025 cover)

Classification: White Paper

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We live in a world entranced by generative AI. It is almost impossible to get away from it: it has truly broken into the mainstream. Even the proverbial person on the street knows of it, although they might not know much about it. In the business world, almost everyone wants to implement generative AI as quickly and as thoroughly as possible. But there is still a lot of confusion about what, exactly, generative AI is, how it works, and how it can best be utilised.

The importance of testing is also frequently brought to our attention, either implicitly or explicitly, by semi-frequent news coverage about IT disasters that might have been averted if only the relevant software was tested more effectively. The global outage caused by CrowdStrike is only the most recent example. The way to address this sort of shortcoming is inevitably with test automation, allowing more diverse tests to run more often and more consistently.

It should come as no surprise that intrepid minds have tried to combine these two technologies. Indeed, some test automation providers have been leveraging AI in their products for years. Generative AI, on the other hand, has only recently been incorporated into test automation. Even so, it already shows promise for taking the space to new and greater heights of automation.

Keysight, through its product Eggplant, is one of the leading vendors in test automation. This was the case before the advent of generative AI, and it is most assuredly still the case afterwards, as the company has been exceptionally fast and assiduous in implementing it within its testing platform. This is hardly surprising, as Eggplant heavily utilised AI technologies for most, if not all, of its lifespan even before generative AI came along. It is therefore in a very good position to take advantage of the new technology.

In this paper, we will discuss these topics in more detail. We start by laying some groundwork: the basics of generative AI and test automation, as well as the interplay between the two. We continue by detailing Keysight’s solution for test automation, its generative AI capabilities, and – perhaps most importantly – why it is worth your attention.

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