Database technology for the 2020s
Published: 9th July 2019 | By: Philip Howard
Multi-model databases are becoming increasingly popular. This paper discusses these in general, and Redis in particular.

Comparative costs and uses for Data Integration Platforms 4th Edition
Published: 29th January 2019 | By: Philip Howard
The 4th Edition of our research into the uses and costs of data integration tools.

Security is a human problem
Published: 20th September 2018 | By: Fran Howarth
Phishing has emerged as a key factor in most security breaches. Where email used to be the primary means of delivering such attacks, technology advances and raised awareness are making such attacks less effective.

IBM Informix – The White Swan
Published: 14th September 2018 | By: Philip Howard
This paper aims to help you sleep well at night (SWAN) and discusses: ease of administration; continuous availability and scalability; and smart triggers.

Ensuring the future of website security - ... how SSL certificates are evolving
Published: 4th September 2018 | By: Fran Howarth
Certificates are fundamental to providing secure authentication and information exchange. But for many organisations managing their certificates is a challenge.

GDPR and the MENTIS Data and Application Security Platform
Published: 1st September 2018 | By: Daniel Howard and Philip Howard
This paper considers the requirements of GDPR and then discusses how MENTIS meets those requirements.

Driving into the future with connected cars - PKI technology helps assuage the security concerns of increased connectivity
Published: 6th July 2018 | By: Fran Howarth
PKI technology provides a viable alternative for vastly improving security within today’s increasingly connected cars and the ecosystem in which they operate.

The new reality for government
Published: 9th April 2018 | By: Paul Bevan and Martin Banks
The UK government has little option but to rethink the way it operates by moving beyond digital transformation to digital reinvention.

DATUM Information Value Management - a business value approach to digital transformation
Published: 6th November 2017 | By: Philip Howard
Data-driven enterprises need to understand the business value of the data they intend to leverage - and govern that data on that basis.

Single Customer View
Published: 23rd October 2017 | By: Philip Howard and Jameel Abdul
Single customer view: data quality or MDM - the options