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Cover for The key to leading business achievement

The key to leading business achievement
Published: 1st March 1999 | By: Jameel Abdul
The greatest challenge we face as leaders of small and large organisations – is to shift people to a point where they can begin to accept that their belief system  rests at the heart of their experience of the world.…

Cover for The most powerful ways to transform your department’s performance, and your personal influence

The most powerful ways to transform your department’s performance, and your personal influence
Published: 1st March 1999 | By: David Taylor
All of these ideas have been practised in IT departments with incredible success, and the results are truly amazing when applied with total belief, commitment and integrity. The Seven most powerful ways to transform your department.

Cover for Leading a business beyond its expectations

Leading a business beyond its expectations
Published: 1st March 1999 | By: Jameel Abdul
Leading a business beyond its expectations

Cover for My worst nightmares

My worst nightmares
Published: 1st March 1999 | By: David Taylor
Having been in IT for 16 years – spanning trainee programmer to head of a major department, I have had many nightmares, most of them while awake! As with nightmares we have when we are asleep, they vary in frequency,…

Cover for Maintaining the energy to succeed in business!

Maintaining the energy to succeed in business!
Published: 1st March 1999 | By: Jameel Abdul
Recently as I have journeyed through countless client organisations I have been paying more and more attention to my first impressions of what could be called  the ‘energy’ of the organisation. It is the ‘atmosphere’ that you feel it as…

Cover for Leaders – your people need you now.

Leaders – your people need you now.
Published: 1st March 1999 | By: David Taylor
“The successful leader’s genius may well lie not in personal achievement, but in unleashing other people’s talent”

Cover for People are not for re-engineering

People are not for re-engineering
Published: 1st March 1999 | By: Jameel Abdul
I am astonished at the astonishment surrounding the general failure of Business Process Reengineering. How could we have ever imagined that we could continue to bend people beyond breaking point to fit systems driven by logic, detail and process? No…

Cover for The New I.T. Leader

The New I.T. Leader
Published: 1st March 1999 | By: David Taylor
People in IT are crying out for guidance, leadership and direction. They are ready and willing to give their best – but unsure what to do, where to go, or whom to follow. As IT emerges out of the confusion…

Cover for Fighting against the stereotype

Fighting against the stereotype
Published: 1st March 1999 | By: Jameel Abdul
How many Boards of Directors are completely happy with their IT investment? Many business managers have an image of their IT function as delivering projects late and over budget; they see IT delivering cost rather than benefits. It seems that…

Cover for Cultural Transformation (1) – Releasing the power of people

Cultural Transformation (1) – Releasing the power of people
Published: 1st March 1999 | By: David Taylor
Fifteen years ago many users complained about their internal Electronic Data Processing departments, who never seemed to understand business requirements, spent too much money and lived in an insular world of their own, surrounded by secrecy, techies and IBM.

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