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Cover for Customer Relationship Management in Insurance

Customer Relationship Management in Insurance
Published: 1st February 2000 | By: Martin Brampton
No summary available. For further information please contact us.

Cover for Network Attached Storage

Network Attached Storage
Published: 1st October 1999 | By:
This white paper has been written to address some of the storage issues faced by IT managers. A number of scenarios are presented, from small to larger organisations, each of which has a requirement for increased storage capacity. Each scenario…

Cover for Oracle, A review of Oracle’s strategy & recent developments

Oracle, A review of Oracle’s strategy & recent developments
Published: 1st August 1999 | By:
Recent announcements from Oracle show a consolidation of its strategy and products aimed at the Internet technology marketplace. The company is continuing to put in place a very broad and far reaching technology infrastructure, positioning the company as more of…

Cover for IBM San Francisco Framework (e-Components)

IBM San Francisco Framework (e-Components)
Published: 1st August 1999 | By:
IBM’s e-Components (previously known as the San Francisco Framework) is a business level, component framework providing processes and services implemented in Java. It is targeted principally at IBM’s Value Added Reseller (VAR) market. Following development work spanning the last two…

Cover for Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management
Published: 1st June 1999 | By: Martin Brampton
Managing customer relationships is being made more difficult through the indirect nature of eBusiness contacts, but is becoming more critical as organisations supplying a commodity market need to differentiate themselves by providing superior service. CRM technology provides a supporting infrastructure…

Cover for Application Architectures

Application Architectures
Published: 1st May 1999 | By:
This document discusses the various types of computer architecture in use today and relates them to the four basic types of applications: Transaction systems, Group Collaboration, Business Intelligence, eCommerce

Cover for How far down eRoad are we?

How far down eRoad are we?
Published: 1st April 1999 | By:
The world ecommerce economy will become larger than the current UK economy in year 2002. What can we expect?

Cover for Cultural Transformation (2) – Awaken the giants within

Cultural Transformation (2) – Awaken the giants within
Published: 1st March 1999 | By: David Taylor
To turn a compelling vision into effective reality takes skills. Strong and leadership, true openness and powerful values. Corporate IS departments and IT companies are well positioned to take the lead in this area. Out of necessity they have to…

Cover for The power of unity

The power of unity
Published: 1st March 1999 | By: David Taylor
IS departments face enough challenges with service provision as it is, without the additional burden of open disagreement. All it takes is for one person to criticise a strategic decision, or another to confide in a business colleague that the…

Cover for Another initiative? Oh joy!

Another initiative? Oh joy!
Published: 1st March 1999 | By: David Taylor
What real financial benefits have been delivered by the “initiatives” so prevalent in business today? From an IT perspective, under ever increasing pressure to justify our spending and very existence, where are the savings, improvements and competitive advantage resulting from…

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