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Cover for Hosting – the business drivers

Hosting – the business drivers
Published: 1st March 2006 | By:
At its simplest, hosting is simply a matter of pl acing ones computer servers in a data centre run by another organisation.

Cover for Knowledge – The Path to IT Governance and Trust

Knowledge – The Path to IT Governance and Trust
Published: 1st March 2006 | By:
A white paper written by Tony Lock on IT Governance and Trust

Cover for The Uses and Utility of IBM Entity Analytic Solutions in Europe

The Uses and Utility of IBM Entity Analytic Solutions in Europe
Published: 1st March 2006 | By:
No summary available. For further information please contact us.

Cover for BPM ROI Guide

Published: 27th January 2006 | By: Jameel Abdul
This document is an analysis of the key ROI (Return On Investment) benefits of BPM (Business Process Management), what the ROI constitutes in real terms and considerations that should be taken when determining the probable ROI to be gained from…

Cover for Business Intelligence with Datanomic

Business Intelligence with Datanomic
Published: 1st January 2006 | By:
To err is human. Whenever users need to enter information (such as data, formulae or business rules) into a computer system there is a significant chance that some proportion of whatever is entered will be incorrect, invalid or useless. Moreover,…

Cover for Executive Guidance on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Executive Guidance on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Published: 19th December 2005 | By: Jameel Abdul
The entire thrust of IT architecture is headed towards the orientation of process. This ‘process-centric’ approach touches the organization at many levels and includes a variety of software products that can be applied in building the appropriate supporting technology infrastructure.…

Cover for Can you manage storage when you don’t know what you have? - An assessment of market drivers and storage resource management systems

Can you manage storage when you don’t know what you have? - An assessment of market drivers and storage resource management systems
Published: 1st September 2005 | By:
No summary available. For further information please contact us.

Cover for A new architecture for data warehousing?

A new architecture for data warehousing?
Published: 28th June 2005 | By:
This white paper examines the question of what to do about the growing size of data warehouses, given that much of the data that contributes to that size is rarely required for analysis or other business intelligence purposes. If such…

Cover for What d’ya mean, free software? - a review of Open Source, the Pros and Cons

What d’ya mean, free software? - a review of Open Source, the Pros and Cons
Published: 1st June 2005 | By: and
The following explanation of Open Source and where it can be used is a distillation of, and extension to, presentations and viewpoints given at the Open Source Forum held in London in December 2004 and hosted by Bloor Research.

Cover for Managing spreadsheets

Managing spreadsheets
Published: 18th April 2005 | By:
No matter the popularity of spreadsheets they also, if used improperly or incorrectly, or without sufficient control, pose a greater threat to your business than almost anything you can imagine.

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