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Cover for The Realities of O/S Scalability

The Realities of O/S Scalability
Published: 1st January 1998 | By: Jameel Abdul
This report is about the scalability of operating systems. What we have examined and benchmarked is the behaviour of four of the most popular operating systems and in doing so we are able to rate them against each other.

Cover for The Realities of Network Computing

The Realities of Network Computing
Published: 1st January 1998 | By: Roger Adams and Dave Singleton
This report provides a comprehensive guide to the hardware and software options available to your organisation now and in the future. It identifies the basic issues of network computing so that you can understand where you are now, where you…

Cover for Testing Tools

Testing Tools
Published: 1st January 1998 | By: Therese Cory
The report provides a guide to the issues surrounding software testing tools, including quality, methods of testing and Year 2000 problems. It will be invaluable in making a preliminary selection of appropriate tools. It is important to build on this…

Cover for The Enterprise in Transition

The Enterprise in Transition
Published: 1st January 1997 | By:
The Enterprise by Other Means created a wide debate, in the computer press and on the web, which is still in pogress many months after the report was published. We have gathered together all of the important issues raised and…

Cover for The Enterprise by Other Means

The Enterprise by Other Means
Published: 1st January 1996 | By:
The return to centralised computing is a major earthquake, and as with all major earthquakes it will rearrange the landscape. Some buildings will be left standing and others will not. Its tremors will be felt across the world, by IT…

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