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Cover for Enterprise Content Management

Enterprise Content Management
Published: 13th February 2008 | By: Jameel Abdul
This Update provides a snapshot of the current state of the Enterprise Content Management (ECM) market.

Cover for CTI Software: European Market Update

CTI Software: European Market Update
Published: 5th January 2008 | By:
CTI enables computing and telephony applications to be integrated to deliver such well-known applications as screen population (screen pop), screen transfer with call transfer, screen/keyboard dialling and call routing.

Cover for RFID Market Place from tags to applications 2007/8

RFID Market Place from tags to applications 2007/8
Published: 26th December 2007 | By:
Much has been written about RFID over the last 5 years or so, but nowhere has there been a single report that covers the complete RFID component market.

Cover for Mergers and Acquisitions and their IT impact on the IT Market - Research and survey results

Mergers and Acquisitions and their IT impact on the IT Market - Research and survey results
Published: 22nd November 2007 | By:
The overwhelming impression that one gets from studying these results and from reading the comments provided by respondents, is one of CIOs and IT managers struggling manfully against huge odds.

Cover for Data Migration Survey

Data Migration Survey
Published: 24th September 2007 | By:
No summary available. For further information please contact us.

Cover for Enterprise Spreadsheet Management

Enterprise Spreadsheet Management
Published: 5th June 2007 | By:
This report not only describes the problems that arise from uncontrolled and unmanaged spreadsheets but also discusses the various solutions that are available and the circumstances in which they will be most appropriate.

Cover for Accessible Information and Communication Technology

Accessible Information and Communication Technology
Published: 1st June 2007 | By: Peter Abrahams
This Spotlight paper examines the definition of accessibility, the benefits of accessibility, the risks of non-compliance, and the tools and techniques required to implement accessible solutions.

Cover for Information Lifecycle Management

Information Lifecycle Management
Published: 27th November 2006 | By:
How do you get to the most valuable business information from your data mountain? Peter Williams (Bloor Research) and Tony Lock (The Sageza Group) identify the 'must-have' ILM strategies.

Cover for Event Processing

Event Processing
Published: 17th November 2006 | By:
This report describes the technology and what it is good for, including providing a series of use cases. In other words: what event processing is, how it works and where you might use it.

Cover for Business Process Management - the Next Generation of Business Enablers

Business Process Management - the Next Generation of Business Enablers
Published: 10th November 2006 | By: Jameel Abdul
Business Process Management (BPM) has become a leading agenda item in corporate strategy and technology investment for companies of all sizes, markets and geographies.

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