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This paper has been superseded by Business Process Management (September, 2012)

Business Process Management

Cover for Business Process Management

Classification: Market Update

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Process Management is a holistic
management practice that models an
enterprise’s human and machine
tasks and the interactions between
them as processes with the
view of improving agility and
performance. It is a structured
approach employing methods,
policies, metrics, management
practices and software tools
to manage and continuously
optimise an organisation’s
activities and processes.

The Bloor definition for
Process is any activity in
an organisation or between
organisations that takes an
input and then performs some
action on the input to produce
an output, where the activity
provides value to the parties taking
part. A process consists of a number of
tasks in sequence and or in parallel. Some
of processes differentiate the organisation
from its competitors, while others provide
support for regulations and governance, and
others are necessary to run the organisation,
but provide no differentiation. The activity
must have both Worth and Saliency to
the organisation(s) involved. In essence,
processes describe how tasks are structured,
who performs them, their sequencing,
how long they take and what information is
required to complete them.

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