Business Drivers for Unified Communications - in the Financial Industry
By: Jameel Abdul
Classification: White Paper
The main purpose of Unified Communications (UC) is to enable workers to communicate more quickly and easily and, by extension, become more productive. UC solutions enable employees to make their own personal communications more efficient and effective, enterprises to promote workgroup and collaborative communications and also to innovate with new business processes to exploit the capabilities of the latest UC technology. UC has profound implications for the way companies operate, particularly when it is extended along the value chain to bring enterprises closer to their customers, suppliers and partners.
This report examines in detail the key industry drivers and benefits that are inspiring large scale enterprises in the financial industry to adopt a Unified Communications strategy.
Savings can amount to many thousands, even millions, of dollars depending on the scale of the implementation and commitment. Amongst the largest organisations, savings as high as $28m annually have been reported through the adoption of UC solutions. In the financial sector the highest boost to profit we have seen recorded was seven per cent through the adoption of UC in combination with new business processes for improving sales and customer service.