B.I.S.S. 2003: EAI and Web Services - Real-Time Integration in Financial Services
By: Bob McDowall and Jameel Abdul
Classification: Research Report
EAI and Web Services systems have achieved significant business benefits in a number of commercial verticals but to date remain an enigma within Financial Services.
Bloor Research has produced a distinctive report that analyses, Tibco and PolarLake’s systems, two of the leading software firms which supply EAI and Web services within financial services. This report is unique. The compilation of Bloor’s technical review, overlays the business benchmarking, which was conducted by a panel of leading independent industry experts, organised by CityCompass.
The report includes the detailed list of industry benchmarks set by the panel, the method of marking adopted and both vendors’ questionnaire responses which were used to benchmark their systems.
The combined information from the business benchmarking and the technical review supplies a valuable insight into these two systems, but as importantly, a market snapshot of EAI and Web Services within financial services. The result is a compelling read for business people and technologists who have an interest in EAI and Web Services within the financial service sector.