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Best-of-breed Data Integration

00002890 - Data Integration MU cover (Feb 2025)

Classification: Market Update

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Data integration is a set of capabilities that allows data that is in one place to be moved to another place, frequently via a data pipeline (although for clarification’s sake, we should mention that – unlike, say, the Windows move operation – this does not generally remove or alter the original data). This is more complicated than it sounds. For instance, owing to different requirements in your source and target systems, the metadata surrounding your data will often need to change even as the data itself remains essentially the same. Hence you will often have to both physically copy your data to the target system and transform its metadata into a form suitable for its new location.

Data Integration tools first started to appear in the early 1990s. In other words, the market is more than 30 years old. Needless to say, in terms of its basic capabilities, the market is mature. However, that does not mean that it is static. Indeed, in this report we seek to highlight the data integration vendors that we consider best-of-breed.

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