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Martin Banks

Martin Banks

Bloor Alumni

Martin Banks was an observer and commentator on the technologies and businesses of the electronics and IT industries since 1968. As one of the UK’s leading specialist journalists he observed the development of IT systems and their impact on both individuals and business since the emergence of the first semiconductor memory chips and, subsequently, the first microprocessors.

In that time he either worked on or written for all the leading publications covering the industry, from trade papers such as Electronics Weekly and Computer Weekly, through to national press such as The Times and Financial Times. He was the first winner of the Times/ Hewlett-Packard Technology Columnist of the Year Award, an award he won twice.

Martin then took on the Infrastructure Implementation brief for Bloor. This refers to the infrastructure and systems required to deliver applications and services to enterprise users, from servers, mainframe systems and data centres through to architectures and operational concepts such as Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) and Software as a Service (SaaS).

Complementing his Bloor work, he ran his own specialist analysis and writing business and was a regular contributor to a number of publications, including Register Developer and IT Week, where he specialised in covering SOA, SaaS and enterprise infrastructure management and implementation. In particular, his focus was the business impact of such technologies.

Martin passed away in 2025.

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