A Chamelon's Face Looking At The Navigators Wordmark

As critical counsel, our Navigators are highly experienced and qualified business executives / change leaders and are a carefully selected and curated team of independent specialist subject matter experts.

Our Navigators are ambassadors of the enviable Bloor brand and reputation. Being recognised as a Bloor Navigator is an endorsement of credibility and authority thanks to the careful selection criteria and on boarding process each of the Navigators goes through.

Our Navigator team must be able to demonstrate the following;

Click here to find out more about Navigator services, or click here to book a Navigator conversation.

Cathie Donaldson
Dave Jones

Dave Jones

David Terrar

David Terrar

Navigator, Research Director, Digital and Strategic Advisor
Bill Limond
Greg Van Der Gaast
John Court

John Court

Lisa Hoad

Lisa Hoad

Maggie Jones

Maggie Jones

Paul Bevan

Paul Bevan

Navigator, Research Director: IT Infrastructure
Rebecca Armstrong
Richard Rose

Richard Rose

Russell Beck

Russell Beck

Tim Connolly

Tim Connolly
