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Analyst Coverage: Andy Hayler and Paul Bevan
Quest Software is a privately held company (owned by private equity firm Clearlake) headquartered in Aliso Viejo, California. It was founded in 1987, a systems management and security vendor that bought the software company erwin Inc at the end of 2020. Quest Software has 9,000 customers, 130 brands, 15,000 partners and has revenues of around $1 billion annually. Erwin itself has 2,500 customers.
Data Governance (2024)
This paper discusses the trends in the data governance market, including assessing the leading vendors.
erwin Data Intelligence by Quest (2024)
erwin Data Intelligence by Quest is a full function data governance product with a major new software version.
Master Data Governance (2023)
The Bloor data governance market update covers trends in the market and assesses the innovators, challengers and champion vendors.
erwin Data Intelligence by Quest (2023)
Erwin, part of Quest Software, has a full data governance suite.