Creating data warehouses is a time consuming and costly business, so automating as much of that process as possible, is a good idea. In addition, it has traditionally been the case that the principal reason for the failure of, or delay to, data warehousing projects has been in assuring good quality and trustworthy data. It therefore makes a lot of sense to have data warehouse automation integrated with master data management though, of course, you can still implement either of Magnitude’s relevant offerings on its own. With specific reference to data warehouse automation we wrote the following when we reviewed what was then Kalido back in 2001: “where the product is unique is on its emphasis that everything will change. You will acquire new subsidiaries, merge with someone else, add new products with new product attributes, add new sales structures, change your reporting methods and generally adapt to meet new business demands. Traditional data warehouses are not well able to cope with such change. Kalido, on the other hand, has been specifically designed to manage changes just like these.” We quote this because it remains valid today. Conventionally, when a business model changes, for example when your organisation takes over another company, or when there is internal restructuring, then the data warehouse has to be re-organised, a process that is often time consuming and complex and which can take many months. Using a tool such as Magnitude Information Engine enables changes to the business model without impacting on the data warehouse and, in practice, it enables the redeployment of a new version of the data warehouse within what may only be a matter of weeks.
The Bottom Line
There are two major issues that Magnitude data warehouse automation addresses. The first is rapid implementation, and the second is support for change. Both of these are important and should result in significant time and cost savings, as well as increased productivity and time to value.