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Trivadis is a consulting company and service provider focusing on the DACH region plus Denmark. It was founded in the late 1990s and has more than 600 employees. To support its customer engagements Trivadis started to develop what is now biGENiUS in 2005, consolidating its various efforts in the data warehousing automation space into a consolidated product by 2011. It has now (2018) formally productised biGENiUS, which is operating as a dedicated product division. Unlike its parent company biGENiUS covers not just the DACH region but the Nordics and France and it has inherited a significant number of clients (more than 60 with over 100 projects) from Trivadis. It plans to expand into other markets in due course. As we shall discuss, biGENiUS is agnostic in terms of the data warehousing environments it supports but it is a certified Microsoft Azure Data Warehouse Automation partner.

biGENiUS (logo)

Company Info

Headquarters: Sägereistrasse 29, CH-8152 Glattbrugg, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 58 459 55 55


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