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Attunity is a provider of data management and data integration solutions. It was originally founded as ISG International Software Group in 1988 but changed its name to Attunity in 2000. It boasts more than 2000 global customers, 44 of whom are part of the Fortune 100, as well as a wide array of technology and consulting partners, including Microsoft, Amazon, Hortonworks, Cloudera and Snowflake. Attunity has regional headquarters in the United States, the UK, and Hong Kong. The company also has offices in Israel, France, Germany, and Sweden.

Attunity (logo)

Company Info

Headquarters: 70 Blanchard Road, Burlington, MA 01803, USA
Telephone: +1 (866) 288 8648


00002711 - DATA ASSURANCE Hyper Report (cover thumbnail)

Data Assurance

This report is about assuring the quality and provenance of your data from both internal and external perspectives.
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